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Chemical Anti-Diffusion Kit
It can prevent spread of chemicals through receiving safely chemicals dropped in dangerous plumbing, severe damage of contacting chemicals and accomplish minimizing of physical prevention and accidents prevention.

Characteristic of the Product

We have used available fabrics passed self chemically resistant test of US ASTM.

It has been tested with about 100 substances including fatal substances to human body like Hydrofluoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and matter treated frequently in semi-conductor factory, laboratory, chemical plant. It has been tested exactly for about 48 hours according to the temperature of matter and its concentration. (Hydrofluoric Acid 75%, Sulfuric Acid 96%, Hydrochloric Acid 75%, Mercury, Sodium Hydroxide and etc.)



When removing pipes, as it is water leak hanger developed to remove discomfort and risk factor of worker which has two kinds of ceiling and floor, it is very useful.

Its stability is certified through self chemically resistant test.



It can prevent spread of chemicals through receiving safely chemicals dropped in dangerous plumbing, severe damage of contacting chemicals and accomplish minimizing of physical prevention and accidents prevention.



Limit of application


Kit for ceiling to prevent chemical diffusion can receive safely chemicals remained in pipes after installation and removal of pipes and prevent contamination, injury and accident.


How to use

Fasten the loop placed at the corner of kit for ceiling to prevent diffusion or tie it tightly.

It is possible to install it easily and rapidly!! Its function would be kept in middle of complex pipes!!


• Light Weight / Possible to hand-carry / Reusable(but chemical should be used one time or it must be cleaned precisely to reuse.)

• Special vinyl coating with waterproof capacity of 510,000mm.

• It can be installed easily and rapidly even at the corner.

• Two years of warranty period.



Kit for floor to prevent chemical diffusion will be installed on the floor having possibility of leakage or spattering of oil or chemical when they are discharged and can prevent contamination, injury and accident.


How to use

Open and place kit for floor at the time of emission of oil and chemical. It is possible to install it easily and rapidly!! OK under the vehicle or in narrow place!!


• It is light and easy to keep in small space.

• No need to assemble so easy to fold and unfold.

• Possible to select interior or exterior support.

• Possible to reuse and easy to keep in small space.


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